PDF Tools

To split PDF pages upload your document below:

Split Pdf

Custom Range of pages to split:

Split PDFs

Free and secure online tool split pdf files.

How to split pdf for Free?

  • Select your PDF file by clicking on Choose files option.
  • Click on the Split PDF button to let the cloud split pdf you selected.
  • Once your PDF is splitted it will be available to download by clicking on the Download button.

Is security compromised by uploading files on this website?

Your files are fully secure and safe. Once you download the files they are automatically deleted from our servers. So you don’t have to worry about your data being stored on our servers. We are committed to online and personal privacy.

Can split PDF tools be used from any device?

Our free tool to split PDF can be used on every device. You can use our PDF splitter tool from Android, Ios, Windows, macOS, Linux and Chromebook. You just need connection to the internet and a browser.

Is quality compromised as this is a free tool?

We are committed to quality, your PDF files are splitted into pages and no other data is modified.

Do I need to install an app to use the pdf splitter tool?

You can split any pdf on the go through the cloud using our free tool. You can access it anytime as many times as you want. No need to install it on your system.

Is sign-in required to use the tool to split pdf?

No, sign-in is not required to use this tool. You are free to use this service from anywhere anonymously. Simply select a file and start splitting as many PDFs as you want.